Benchmark Business: Australia’s Best Business Brokers
Did you know that Benchmark sells hundreds of businesses every year?
As a result we have accumulated a lot of historical sales data on business transactions Australia wide. Benchmark Business Sales & Valuations has many specialty divisions including Supermarket Sales, Childcare Sales, Hospitality Sales, Hair and Beauty Sales any many more. Our Business Brokers have extensive experience in their sectors. After many years in selling businesses – there aren’t many challenges that we haven’t seen or overcome before. So when you want to sell a business, we can show you how to make it easy. In fact, we have developed a proven formula to ensure that our clients obtain the outcome that they seek, quickly and efficiently. Benchmark Business Sales & Valuations works for business owners who are looking to sell a business. Benchmark Business Sales & Valuations brokers provide services to both public companies and private companies, – and individuals.
We specialise in the sale of businesses in the price range up to $10 million.
View our Recent Sales history